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Free Software - Web3D Dance Composer ver. 3.1

Java Applet Web3D Dance Composer ver. 3.1 could be accessed from here.
Please check the system requirement before access.
Simplified User Instructions Here is one page manual of Web3D Dance Composer ver. 3.1 in English.
Table of Basic Steps for Ballet Class There are 583 steps possible in a beginning ballet curriculum.
Currently, 215 of these steps have been included in the archive.
Laban Motif for this study Here is explanation of motif symbols used in Web3D Dance Composer ver. 4.0.
A glossary of all the motif signs used in this study (over 40 definitions), and linking it to the main motifs of the automatic composition algorithms. (2004-12-15)

The demonstration video clip which is 38 Mega-byte MPEG file could be downloaded from here.
This video lasts about 3 minutes. (2004-7-5)

Introduction (2004-07-05)

We are pleased to announce to update the 3DCG simulation system for classical ballet, that is "Web3D Dance Composer ver. 3.1" The Java applet is HERE. You need not any ID or Password to access it.

The system allows you to create a short dance interactively on the Web and displays it in three-dimensional CG animation. When you choose the steps from our "Step Archive" which contains 215 basic ballet steps ("pas" in French), the system generates a sequence of ballet movement ("enchaînement" in French).

When you play the animation of a dance, you can change viewpoint perfectly freely, either continuously or discontinuously. You can also pause the animation at any time, change the speed or the beat of it, edit a sequence of steps, and change the dancer model or the background image.

The basic operating instructions are explained in the "Simplified User Instructions". Please also see "Appendix 1. Supplementary Explanation". There is no detail manual at the moment.

The available steps are listed in the "Table of Basic Steps for Ballet Class". It is written in English and French. The 215 steps already included in the Step Archive are marked in the far right column of the table.

System Requirements (2004-07-05)

The requirements of the system are:

The system is written in the form of a Java applet, but please do not use Java 2 for applet. If your Web browser uses it, you need to check it off on the menu of [Tool - Internet option - Detail].

If your Web browser does not have VRML plug-in, please install one from the websites below.

If the system does not work even then, please try to install Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (VM) along the following lines.

  1. Download "msjavx86.exe" from http://www.mvps.org/marksxp/WindowsXP/java.php.
  2. Run "msjavx86.exe" and follow the message from the installer.
  3. Confirm that the 816093 critical update has been installed using Microsoft Windows Update.
    "816093 MS03-011: Flaw in the Microsoft VM Could Enable System Compromise" is HERE.

Appendix 1. Supplementary Explanation (2004-07-05)

There are the supplementary explanation which are not written in the "Simplified User Instructions". The basic operating instructions are explained in the "Simplified User Instructions".

  1. After click "Cmbn" button, please wait for a while. When the pose of the virtual dancer changes, the 3D animation can be played.
  2. After click "Auto" button, please wait for a while. When "Timeline" panel become steady, you can click "Cmbn" button.
  3. The three button, ">", "||", and "|<<" are dual-function button. These button are used both for playing the dance in "Timeline" panel and preview a specific step.
  4. If "Preview" button are clicked, the choreography which was created after clicking "Cmbn" button is cleared from the memory. When you want to play the choreography in "Timeline" panel after clicking "Preview", please click "Cmbn" button once again.
  5. "Loop" check box works only for "Preview" button. There is no function to loop the choreography in "Timeline" panel. If you want to replay, please rewind using "|<<" button and play it.
  6. Using "Display Control" panel, you can change number and formation of virtual dancers. The procedure is below.
    1. Change "style", "persons", "distance", or "angle" as you like.
    2. Click "Show" button to see the floor plan.
    3. Click "Apply" button to see the virtual dancers.
  7. If "Apply" button are clicked, the choreography which was created after clicking "Cmbn" button is cleared from the memory. When you want to play the choreography in "Timeline" panel after clicking "Apply", please click "Cmbn" button once again.
  8. When the number of virtual dancers is high, the 3D animation might become jerky. It is according to the capacity of your PC.
  9. When you select "Virtual Stage" as background using "Display Control" panel, the view from the bottom can not be appeared, since the floor is not transparent.
  10. "Sample21" in "Enchainement List" is "Amour Dance in Don Quixote." When you select it, it is recommended to set "tempo" down to around 3 or 4 in "Motion Control" panel, since it has only 1 beat.

Appendix 2. Classification Table of Basic Poses for Ballet (2004-07-05)

The codes listed below are used in the "Table of Basic Steps for Ballet Class".

Classification Table of Basic Poses for Ballet Class

Category of Poses



Position of Foots/Legs

Bend and Stretch of Legs/the Supporting Leg

Alignment of Foots/Legs

Weight Evenly on Each Foot





1st position


dT | S | dP



2nd position


dT | S | dP



4th position crossed


dT | S | dP

_R | _L


5th position


dT | S | dP

_R | _L


Weight on One Foot





Class of

 à terre

dégagé devant


S | dP

-R | -L


dégagé derrière


S | dP

-R | -L


à la second à terre


S | dP

-R | -L


Class of


devant en l'air


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


derrière en l'air


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


à la second en l'air


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


Class of


cou-de-pied devant


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


cou-de-pied derrière


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


Class of


‚’etiré devant


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


‚’etiré derrière


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


Class of


attitude devant


dT | S | dP

-R | -L


attitude derrière


dT | S | dP

-R | -L





Total Number


_R : right foot forward _L : left foot forward
-R : right leg working -L : left leg working
ƒΣ : unique Combination : Number of possible poses

Appendix 3. Attributes of Basic Steps (2004-07-05)

The codes listed below are used in the "Table of Basic Steps for Ballet Class".

Attributes of Basic Steps



way of step or

orientation of


en avant


en arrière


de côté










begin from the forward leg


begin from the forward leg moving to effacé


begin from the backward leg


number of rotations

zero (no rotation)*

^0 | ^Zr

one-quarter rotation

^1/4 | ^Qt

one-half rotation

^1/2 | ^Hf

three-quarter rotation

^3/4 | ^3Q

single rotation

^1 | ^Sg

* only for beginner's class.

Japanese page is Here.

from 2004-07-05
Updated: 2004-07-03
Copyright 2002-2004 Asako SOGA, Bin UMINO